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Hollyrocks Investigation

This blog post was written by Whitney and Nicole Dankemeyer.

From the outside looking in, it’s harder to appreciate a smaller city. Most of the buildings are old and run down, a majority of the businesses are local, and you know half of the population by either name or face. In Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, a lot of people drive by historic downtown and see nothing but bars, entirely unaware of the businesses that came before them. While there are a couple structures with old business names etched in stone, a lot of employees and customers discover downtown’s history in a different way: interacting with spirits.

Across the river at 114 2nd Street North, a local bar named Hollyrocks was opened.  First established in 1993 as a music bar, this business is home to live music, annual drag shows, and a busy nightlife on the weekends. While the environment is carefree most of the night, there is a drastic shift in energy come bar time. This is because most people aren’t aware that Hollyrocks was actually the first mortuary of Wisconsin Rapids in 1852.

George W. Baker was born on the West Bank of the Wisconsin River on November 26, 1842. Later in life, he married Elizabeth Warren, who was the daughter of Marcus C. Warren, founder of the Baker Mortuary. In 1852, the Baker Mortuary was established at 114 2nd Street North, with George W. Baker working alongside his father-in-law in the mortuary business. Over time, business ownership was handed down to George, and he carried the business until his own passing in 1913. George and Elizabeth raised a son together, George Baker Jr., who took courses for funeral directing and embalming in the year 1907. When his father passed away, he took ownership of the mortuary and moved its location to the Daniel Arpin house on 1st Street North, also known as the White House of Wisconsin Rapids.

Daniel Arpin resided in the White House of Wisconsin Rapids when it was built in 1902. In 1927, the home became the Baker Mortuary, where the business would stay the next 44 years. In the mid-60’s, Robert and Carol Wilkinson joined the mortuary business, and it was renamed the Baker Wilkinson Mortuary in 1967. By February of the year 1971, the whole business was dissolved. The home was purchased in 1991, remodeled, and can now be rented out for Airbnb stays present day. 

Fast forward to August of 2023, Mackenzie had reached out to our page and asked us to investigate this historic location. Not only have we been frequent visitors in the past, but this kind of history was right up our alley. We couldn’t possibly say no and had arranged the meet-up to come by as soon as they closed Wednesday, August 23rd. We arrived quarter to midnight and prepared to stay for the rest of the night.

When we first got there, we were greeted by Mackenzie and Mariah on the outdoor patio. Because two other employees were still counting the till, we saw this as an opportunity to interview the girls about their experiences and the history of the bar. We discovered from them there were two basements downstairs, one of them still having the original chutes to the morgue. It didn’t become two basements until someone bought out the other side of the building and constructed one, big bar; the side with booths being the original mortuary.

Mackenzie and Mariah not only work at Hollyrocks, but they have been visiting the bar for years. Mackenzie has now been the manager for four years, and she said she doesn’t share the activity with new employees until after a couple weeks. She stated employees close by themselves Sunday through Wednesday, so she checks back with them after closing alone to get their take on the place. Most respond saying the same thing: they’ve seen a black shadow man with a hat, they hear footsteps above their head at 3:00 am, and they refuse to close alone. Not only that, but the activity always picks up after bar time. When you’re by yourself, you are the most vulnerable. This has even led some employees to quit.

Mariah shared she has seen mugs moved by black masses, and Mackenzie showed us a clip of nacho trays falling over by themselves in the basement. No one was downstairs when the trays fell over, and Mariah said things like this occur all the time. A metal sign that had been up for 15 years mysteriously fell from the ceiling as well, almost landing on Mariah and putting a dent in the floor. Not only is there spiritual activity at Hollyrocks, but the spiritual presences are intelligent enough to move physical objects.

Mackenzie continued to tell us about the activity and showed us a video of legs moving by the bar. Mariah said you can often see someone walk across the bar and towards the old morgue basement. Mariah, who is also a sensitive, said when she finished work one night, she thought she saw a random guy at the end of the bar. Because it was bar time, she went to kick the guy out but could no longer find him. She asked the owner Steve if he saw anybody, but he said no. Mariah described the man she saw down to the detail, and Steve showed her a picture of the deceased man she explained.

Mackenzie had to step away a moment to help the others finish closing inside, so Mariah stayed back with us to share one of her basement experiences. One night, she was in the basement putting bottles into a box to carry upstairs. She heard a growl behind her, and when she turned around, there was a very tall man with a hat standing behind her. We further discussed whether or not this man was just an angry spirit wearing a hat from his time period or the very feared shadow man. Shadow people can be harmful spirits, so I shared how I believed he could have an impact on the living fighting and/or passing out. Mackenzie walked back outside at this moment to tell us there was a regular who passed out two nights prior to our visit. He passed out, stood up, passed out again, stood up once more, and he was fine. There was no real explanation why he may have fainted that night, and it was just after Mackenzie and I had talked about it. Mariah also mentioned that anytime someone comes to investigate, the spirits seem to act out leading up to the investigation.

When further discussing the man with the hat, Mackenzie said he will never be seen right next to you, other than the basement circumstance with Mariah. He is seen standing over by the men’s bathroom or in front of the TouchTunes across the bar. When you walk inside from the patio, she explained that this spirit will run up on you and breathe down your neck. At this same time, a spirit approached the camera and breathed into it. Mariah said this spirit will also call people by name, and it was captured saying “Bye, Mariah!” on Mackenzie’s mom’s phone. It had been seen at this location long before Mackenzie and Mariah ever started going, which is why they believe it to be a part of the old mortuary.

Mackenzie said she hasn’t personally seen the hat man, but she did have a spiritual encounter one of the first nights she closed alone. One evening, she was looking down counting the till and saw a black mass in the corner of her eye. When she tried to look up at it, it shot around the bar and disappeared in the blink of an eye. We briefly told her about shadow figures never allowing you to see them and explained how most encounters with them are using peripheral vision. She said the experience scared her so much she called the owner. She refused to go back inside unless someone was with her.  

It was now time for the night to begin. Mackenzie gave us our tour starting with the main bar area and then going into the basements. We went into the one with the old morgue chutes first, and then we went into the basement where they kept their stock. 

Swan's throat got tight in the morgue basement. We were told that a lot of people down there make comments about not being able to breathe. Upon entering, there was also a light fixture flickering at the bottom of the stairs. Mariah said they've seen a young girl rocking back and forth at the bottom of the steps, but they are unsure why she is down there. 

In the other basement, we were shown the mirror Mackenzie's mom Jill took a photo in (that captured a face), the stock, the liquor cage, and the cooler. This is the basement people have to go into by themselves after the bar is closed. They say it’s especially scary when you hear footsteps and can see from the security camera that you are alone. Mackenzie mentioned the bar being extremely secluded to debunk any noises coming from the businesses next door. 

When we got back upstairs, we set up the equipment and sprawled the cat balls out. We noticed the cat ball by the men’s bathroom started going off, so we turned on the EMF reader. It was really high above the bar stool one of the cat ball sat on. When I moved around the chair, the energy dropped. It wasn’t until I backed up when the energy charged me. We believe this to not only have been a spirit, but the angry man because it appeared he didn’t like that I invaded his space. We asked the spirit to set the cat ball off once more, but he charged the device instead. I asked if he would talk into one of our devices, but he refused. 

We made the decision to split up and conduct separate sessions. Mackenzie and Mariah went into the stock basement by themselves with the night vision camera, and Swan, Nicole, and I attempted to split up upstairs to get EVP recordings. When the three of us met up again, Nicole recorded on video while I conducted more EVPs. We captured a thud off camera but couldn’t get it to repeat now that we were recording. After that, we decided to do one more walk-through with the EMF reader upstairs. We noticed there was an incredibly high mG reading in front of the TouchTunes machine, but it read no voltage until we got closer to the machine or neon signs above it. It was at 30 mG with 0 v. The mG was the highest on the floor to the basement; we picked up on the high voltage readings closer to the ceiling. 

The girls came back upstairs and said Mackenzie left her phone set up downstairs. A weird noise started coming from the hallway to the basement, and Mackenzie said she’d never heard it before. At the same time, Swan’s phone started glitching and the screen blacked out. It wouldn’t let her take any photos or videos. It even told her the storage on her phone was full when it wasn’t. Mariah said it was common for spirits to interfere with cameras. 

We walked back over to the bar and decided to pull out the dowsing rods. Swan asked the rods to cross if someone was with us, and they crossed. We thanked the spirit and asked them to uncross. The energy suddenly got very strong, and the rods started pulling away from each other. I asked the spirit if they could point in the direction they were, and the rods moved all the way to Swan’s left really fast. It was pointing near the entrance where Mackenzie said people were being charged. 

It suddenly got very cold next to us. We pulled out the temp gun to capture the cold pocket, but it had dissipated before it could be recorded. It happened a couple different times, which led us to believe this was the spirit teasing us. The rods moved back to pointing in opposite directions and would not budge afterwards. When we asked the spirit to push the rods forward, Swan felt someone pushing on her back. The rods still would not move, but Swan was being moved. 

I took the rem pod out and set it up on the other side of the Touch Tunes before we all split up again. Nicole was left upstairs alone while we explored the basements. Nicole’s take on the experience:

I’ve made my fair share of memories at Hollyrocks, between boozin and karaoke, the vibe there was nothing short of a party scene. A sudden flip of the switch when I was asked to sit alone in the dark, empty bar space after hours. Surrounded by the vacancy of the main floor while the other split off into different sections of the basement, I couldn’t help but get an overwhelming sense of anxiety. A creak in the floor made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I slowly glanced around. I began asking questions, my main focus was about the time they were alive; if they could recall any memories they’d like to share, so I could get a feel for who I was talking to. I couldn’t physically hear a response and I started to get antsy. I continued to ask questions as I slowly started meandering around the bar. Someone then had managed to manifest a breath while I was recording a video, although I do not recall hearing the breath in person. Sitting alone in the middle of a normally busy place during a time when there is no one around is bone chilling. Every time splitting up was mentioned I couldn’t help but get that feeling in your stomach, the feeling of fear and then refusing to acknowledge it. However, it was also mentioned that being alone and vulnerable was something one if not some of these spirits thrive off of, and I was willing to accept the challenge in order to capture the evidence we were set out to catch. 

Meanwhile, Swan and I ventured into the old morgue basement while Mackenzie and Mariah were in the other. First, we went down with the light on because we wanted to feel out the area before turning out the lights. When we went further into the basement, Swan and I experienced side pains. We quickly went back up the steps to turn off the light to so we could conduct a few EVPs. We didn’t capture any EVPs with the lights off, so we turned the light back on and asked the spirits to use the light for energy. The light was still flickering at this time, as it was when we were given our tour at the beginning of the night. 

Swan kept recording on the night vision camera while I recorded SLS on my phone. I captured a figure mapping over the table but was unable to screen record it in time for sharing. Swan, however, simultaneously caught an orb on the night vision camera where I saw the SLS map a figure. Aside from a spirit touching my head, we didn’t capture any further orb manifestations or EVPs. The only odd occurrence afterwards was Swan telling the spirits to manifest using the light, and the flickering light turning into a solid glow. 

We all met back upstairs and went over everything we witnessed during each session. It was finally bar time, so to keep the night going, we pulled out the Necrometer app Aaron G. Thompson suggested to us back at the Old Baraboo Inn in June. We conducted our session at the bar on the left side of the building. Upon turning it on, the app said, “Look around.”

I asked if someone was with us, but we did not receive a response. I asked the spirits where they were, and they answered, “Eight spirits.” I asked if they could tell us one of their names but again received no response. Mackenzie tried to ask what their name was, but they responded, “Impression.” We took this as Mackenzie has made an impression on them, so we asked if they recognized her. Mackenzie said, “I’ve been here for a long time and know you are too, but we just want to know who you are. Tell me your name.” They did not respond, so Mackenzie asked if there was anything they wanted to say to us instead. The app said, “Clip,” and when we asked if anyone had one, Mariah pointed to her white clip hanging off her purse on the bar.

Further into the session, Mariah took a turn and asked the spirit what their name was or if they wanted to tell us anything. The spirit responded, “Mischief.” She asked if they were causing trouble. They did not respond, but it was like the spirits were validating our assumptions about them messing with the living. We tried asking some more questions, but the spirits weren’t responding. We stopped the session briefly to discuss the timeline for the rest of the night, and that was when spirits started talking again. The first words we received were, “Stab” and “Sari.”

We weren’t sure how these two words played into each other, so asked if they could clarify if they were the one who was stabbed. The spirit responded, “Yes” rather quickly. We said our apologies, followed by feeling a sense of dread for the victim. I asked if they could say whether they were male or female, and the spirit responded, “Multiplexed.” We didn’t know what this meant at the time, but the word means “A way of sending multiple signals or streams of information over a communications link at the same time in the form of a single, complex signal.” The entity could’ve been referring to communicating through the Necrometer app.

Because we didn’t understand what multiplexed meant at the time of our investigation and our phones were in airplane mode, we moved on by asking them a series of more questions. The answers started to get more aggressive, and then we heard a noise by the entrance. Spirit finally reverted back to our gender question and told us they were a “Male.”

There were a few things I wanted clarification on, so I asked if the male was the one who was stabbed. This was so we could figure out a rough estimate of how many of the eight spirits were talking. The Necrometer app responded, “Laura.” We asked if she was the woman who was seen crying downstairs, but she never responded. We asked if she or any one of the others could touch a cat ball for us. They responded, “Definitely” but never touched one. They did this periodically throughout the night where they would tell us they would interact but never would. We took this as them being cocky.

The idea to split up came back around, so we closed our session on the Necrometer app and conducted separate sessions again. Nicole stayed upstairs by herself once more, Mackenzie and Mariah went into the morgue basement, and Swan and I took on the stock basement alone. We ran the Necrometer app while we were downstairs and asked if anybody was with us. The first response we received was, “Doris.” We asked if she could set off the rem pod and she responded, “Definitely,” but she hadn't set anything off. We asked if the spirits with us could manifest on camera and they said, “Sign,” but they never physically showed us a sign. 

We asked how many spirits were with us in the basement and we received the word “Seven.” Earlier we received, “Eight spirits,” so we asked if one of the other spirits was with Nicole upstairs. They responded, “We are not,” telling us that no spirits were upstairs with Nicole at that moment.   

When we asked for another name, we got the name “Ruth.” Since we had received a couple of different names now, I asked if these names were associated with the morgue. When we didn’t get a response, I asked if this place was where they took their bodies when they passed. The Necrometer app said, “Agree.” This seemed to be a touchy subject for the spirits, so I continued by asking if they were at peace with their passing. That was when we heard footsteps above us. Swan debunked this immediately because Nicole was the only one upstairs and sitting on a bar stool the whole time. We did exchange a few other words with the spirits downstairs, but when we received, “I suggest you leave,” by the negative influence, we took that as our sign to head back upstairs. 

Once we all finished bathroom breaks, Nicole, Swan, and I tried to go back into the stock basement to conduct a session near the cooler. We left Mackenzie and Mariah upstairs alone to see if their presence would trigger any activity. We didn’t capture anything on our side of things, but we did see an orb go across one of the security cameras while they were upstairs. We later debunked the orb as a bug flying across the camera.

When we finished our downstairs session, we came back upstairs to Mackenzie and Mariah wrapping up a dowsing rod session. They had been trying to communicate with the spirits upstairs, but the rods were doing another strange movement: one moved all the way to one side where it refused to move, and the other consistently swung back and forth. It was doing this for most of their session and was still doing this when we went upstairs.

It was now quarter to four. This was our prime time to do an Estes Method session, so we set up for the first one on the side of the bar. Swan sat on a bar stool and put the headphones on. We all surrounded her. Before we began, we explained to Mackenzie and Mariah how the Estes Method worked: Swan puts headphones on. The headphones are connected to a spirit box that sweeps through different radio stations and enables spirits to pick and choose words to communicate with. The purpose of this experiment is to ask questions Swan cannot hear. All the answers she hears from spirit is strictly through the headphones to say aloud. This debunks us making up evidence and Swan making up responses. We sweep the stations backwards, which makes the responses even more compelling when we receive them.

When Swan first put the headphones on, I told the spirits to let us know if anyone was with us. Foolishly, I didn’t set boundaries to say one at a time, and I didn’t realize this until further into the session. Swan still said, “Nervous,” and we comforted the spirits by telling them they didn’t need to be shy. We told them we came with respect, and Swan responded, “Hello.”

I told the spirits they may know some of us, and Swan said, “Happened.” I asked if they recognized any one of us, and I asked if they could say one of their names. Swan said she heard two voices at once, and this was the moment when I realized no boundaries were set. I told them we wanted to make sure we were talking one at a time, and then I asked if one could tell us their name. Swan said she heard a cough. Delightful.

Swan then said, “Steve.” While it wasn’t one of our names, Mackenzie reminded us that Steve was the name of the owner. I asked if they had something to say to Steve, and they responded, “Hi, Scott.” Though it took a minute, Mackenzie realized that Scott is the name of Steve’s twin brother. 

Mackenzie asked if the spirit talking to us was the one who’s always there when they’re closing alone. Swan said, “Happen.” I asked if they could clarify what they meant by that response, and they disrespected our boundaries by spewing a bunch of random words. I reminded them to communicate one at a time and said we do have boundaries set. One of the spirits responded, “A lot.”

We wanted to know more about the spirits from the morgue, so we started directing questions towards that. Swan said, “Stuck” and “I can’t.” We asked if they couldn’t move on, and Swan said she heard someone say, “Help! Help!” I asked if they were the female by the stairs, and Swan said her right side was cold. Mariah immediately agreed and said she could feel it as well. Swan then muttered, “I’m trying” and said the voice sounded like a young female coming through. 

We received more random responses and had to remind the spirits a few more times about the boundaries we set. This is not uncommon on an investigation and always needs to be considered when getting messy responses. If humans are capable of disrespecting our boundaries, spirits are just as likely to do the same. When we were able to quiet the responses for a moment, I turned to Mackenzie and Mariah to see if they had anything they wanted to say. While they were teasing back and forth about who was going to ask a question, Swan said, “Oh my god.” We got a good laugh out of this. The girls did try asking a few questions, but the responses were off topic and random.

Suddenly, Swan came out of nowhere with the response, “I will strike.” Mariah mentioned feeling really sick all of a sudden. I said they were not allowed to influence any of us, Swan responded, “Save” and “For her.” I asked who the “her” was, and they said, “Clip,” which was now back in Mariah’s hair. We then heard a scream from across the bar that was not captured on camera. When we tried asking who screamed, the spirit responded, “Your problem.” We were definitely talking to the bigger influence. Still, we asked for clarification if it was the negative entity, and Swan responded, “Hey.”

Through another series of responses, we asked if there were any regulars hanging out at Hollyrocks. Someone responded, “I wasn’t going to.” We asked if the regular was a male, and Swan said, “Stay.” We asked if anyone could show their presence in the room, but Swan said she heard a faint “No.” When I asked why this was, Swan said, “Someone else.” The negative spirit was keeping other spirits from communicating with us.

Swan then said, “Dark.” I asked why the dark energy was there, and Swan said, “Whoopsies!” I asked if this energy had been there a long time and it responded, “You’re back!” We believe this spirit was taunting us by indicating he knew we used to visit Hollyrocks a lot.

The negative spirit kept playing games with us and said, “I can see you.” We asked where the spirit was, and Swan said, “Don’t worry about it.” Nicole asked him to show himself, and Swan answered, “Mmm” and “Run.” I asked why they only taunt people when they’re alone, and Swan responded, “Splendid.” He just simply enjoys it.

Nicole tried to ask who the man was in waking life, but we didn’t get a response. Swan did say, “I’ve had it” though, and we heard a noise across the bar. We asked if that was a spirit, and Swan said, “Over there.” I asked who was over there and Swan said, “One.” 

We ended the Estes session by the bar and moved over to the morgue side. We stationed ourselves in the booths and by the bar. We made sure we set boundaries before the session began, and then asked who wanted to come up and speak first. Swan said, “With you.”

Nicole asked the spirit what their name was, but they ignored her to keep talking. It was really hard to get a conversation going at first, but we finally started getting direct responses when we asked where the influence was. Swan said, “Vodka,” and that was where Mackenzie and Mariah were standing behind the bar. The influence also made sure to tell us to “Shove it” and tell us our "party" was over. 

The other spirit we were talking to came through and randomly said, “I like Cody.” We asked if they knew Cody for a long time and the spirit responded, "Like" and “Um yeah.” Cody is another bartender and was in Hollyrocks earlier in the night. He has been a part of Hollyrocks for years, so the spirit was also telling us they have been around for awhile. The spirit then changed the subject when they randomly said Nicole’s name. 

We later discovered we were talking to a spirit named Mike because he said his name twice. We questioned if he was possibly the influence, but he was not. He was just another one of the spirits trying to communicate with us. Mike kept encouraging us to go downstairs, so we decided to end the session by the booth and go down into the basement for one last Estes Method session. We again thought he was the negative influence trying to lure us downstairs, but now we believe he was directing us to where we would get the most answers.

It was around five in the morning at this point, so the five of us headed downstairs to conduct one last Estes Method session. We went into the basement on the left side, and stationed our equipment on the desk. Swan sat in the chair at the desk and put the headphones on for the Estes. As soon as she put them over her ears, she heard the word “Run.”

I jumped right into it and asked the spirit for a name. Swan crinkled her brows. She said she heard crackle noises and someone gasping. Nicole continued and asked who we were supposed to run from. Swan responded, “End.” We didn’t consider this at the time, but whoever we were speaking with could’ve been referring to the spirit at the end of the basement. This would be the tall, black mass that hangs around the cooler. Instead, we were interrupted with the sound of footsteps walking around upstairs.

Mariah pointed out the walking and asked if we could hear it. While we stopped our session to listen, Swan said, “Meeeeee.” I tried to ask who we were speaking with, but we didn’t get a response, so we are unsure if the spirit was taking accountability for the footsteps or if they just wanted our attention. Instead of clarifying, the walking intensified above us. The footsteps were so heavy you could actually hear the floor creaking with them. We decided to rephrase our question and ask who was responsible for the walking upstairs. That was when we received the word, “Virgil.” 

Earlier in the night, I was channeling a man doing an EVP session upstairs. This man was old, had a crescent moon-shaped face, and he looked like he was scowling. Mackenzie asked if the man had a beard, but his face was bare when I saw him. While we were discussing what I saw, Swan said, “Mhm.” I thanked Virgil for reassuring everyone and the response was, “And now!”

The girls and I continued chatting, so we weren’t asking questions to the spirits frequently enough. That was when Swan randomly said, “Sheesh.” Because we were only half-listening when this was said, we assumed Swan said, “Cheese.” Nicole did bring up that she heard, “Sheesh,” and the spirit said, “Mhm. Oh, gone.”

The energy in the basement began to shift. We noticed we were all feeling nervous, and we started squirming where we stood. We kept the session going and asked who was walking around upstairs. We received the word “Endure,” but we’re not sure what this could’ve been referring to. Due to the negative energy that was floating in the air, it felt like that response could’ve been either good or bad.

The temperature gauge started going off, indicating a spirit was touching the Spirit Box. Seconds after, Swan said, “Ya feel?” Another couple of seconds passed, and Swan said, “My hand.” Ya feel my hand? Mackenzie asked for clarification on the subject, but was interrupted by a female joining the session and saying, “Hi!” When we asked if a female was now with us, Swan responded, “Hold that thought” and “Hey!”

We took another break from the session to get ourselves up to speed with the responses we received so far. Mariah stopped us to direct our attention to the camera. She was talking about how she saw something on the table of one of the cameras. Simultaneously, Swan was sputtering out, “Is there? Hold on.” When Mariah leaned in closer to point to where she saw something, Swan said, “Stupid.” Immediately, we knew the response came from the mean spirit. We called him out on his behavior right away, and asked if this was the negative influence. Swan said she heard the word “I’m” but couldn’t make out the rest. When Mackenzie asked who was with us in the basement, we got all the confirmation we needed. Swan responded to Mackenzie’s question, “Mean.” When Mackenzie asked if they were mean, the temperature gauge sounded again. To follow, Swan said, “Fight.” When we asked why, he responded, “Young.”

At the beginning of the night, we all talked about the negative entity potentially influencing the living to fight or pass out. Nicole brought this up again during this point of the session. Considering the spirit interrupted us (In fact, we’re pretty sure Virgil left because of him) and had only had bad things to say, he didn't seem to have respect for the living at all. 

While Nicole and I discussed the spirit causing fights when others drank during the night, Swan said the words “Lime” and “Sugar.” While Mariah asked the spirit if they were referring to a margarita, I heard a female spirit say, “Yep” with my own ears. I thought this was Mariah during the investigation, so I turned back to her and asked her what she said. Mariah just reiterated hearing the Swan’s response. Listening back to the footage though, you can hear a female in the background in between the Estes responses and me talking to Mariah. 

Shortly after the spirit spoke, we heard another noise from the other side of the basement; however, Mackenzie, who was closest to it, didn’t hear it. We asked how many were downstairs with us, and Swan said, “Eleven.” That’s three more than the very first session we conducted with the Necrometer. It also tells us that there are many spirits, in addition to the negative influence, that reside at Hollyrocks.

We heard more footsteps, and Mariah said, “They’re just having a party up there now aren’t they?” It could’ve been why we struggled getting responses upstairs, but we continued to joke with them about their “dancing” above us. 

Swan then said, “Dart,” so we questioned if they were referring to the dart machine and if they were the ones who showed themselves by the dart machine on camera. Swan said, “Movement.” Mackenzie reassured them she had seen their legs walking around in a circle on camera.

The negative influence really started to take over the session at this point. Swan said, “Give in,” and when Nicole asked to what, Swan answered, “Hate me.” Mackenzie said that none of us hated them, but some get scared sometimes. Swan said “Come on.” At the time, we believed the spirits were saying they didn’t want us to hate them. Going back over evidence, we discovered it was the negative influence saying he WANTED us to hate him. The “Come on” was him making fun of us for not understanding what he was trying to tell us. That is also why he said, “Blind” when we asked if the spirits would take it easier on the employees. We thought he was referring to Swan closing her eyes for the Estes, when really, he just thought we were dumb.

I did ask if they were referring to Swan, and Swan said, “Here, follow me.” This was one of the spirits trying to lure us out of the basement away from the man. We asked where to follow them, and Swan said, “Um.” Shortly after that we heard the stairs to the right of us start squeaking. Mariah asked us if we could hear the stairs, and we not only heard it with our ears but caught it on camera.

Mackenzie heard a man speak at the same time Swan said, “Hate.” Swan said, “Hate me” again right after that. I asked if they wanted us to hate them, and Swan said, “Warning.” He was trying to tell us this before, but we were finally picking up on it. I told him we would leave them alone but asked if they would keep the peace. Swan said, “We.” We asked if there was anything else they wanted to say, and Swan said she could see a man holding up a middle finger in front of her face. Was she channeling the mean spirit?

I mentioned this spirit seemed like they were just annoyed with everyone, and Mackenzie said there’s one consistent spirit that she felt wanted to scare everybody in the bar. Mariah asked the spirit what they could do to not annoy him, and Swan responded, “Out.” Mariah apologized but said they weren’t going to do that, and Mackenzie joined in by saying they needed to run a business. Swan said, “Run” in return. I asked if he would be able to keep the peace, but Swan couldn’t make out the response. I asked the same question once more, and Swan answered, “Heavy” and “Who are you?” Not realizing this was a sarcastic response, I started to introduce everyone... that is before the spirit got physical.

Upon introducing everyone, someone touched Mackenzie’s neck. This was followed by Swan saying she heard a female saying, “Run.” We knew we were being warned to leave, but we were now distracted by our own fear. To add to the mix, Swan was again unaware Mackenzie was touched, but she too was touched and mentioned feeling a breath on her head. I said he wanted us to leave, and Swan said, “That.”

I asked the girls if they wanted to say anything else, and they said no. We told the negative influence and the other spirits they were not allowed to touch us or follow us home, while also letting them know we were ending the session. When Swan took the headphones off, she explained the breath on her head was warm and traveled down her neck. We were able to debunk this as not being one of us because neither one of us were standing that close to Swan. Mackenzie also brought up her neck being touched and said she had never been physically touched by a spirit like that before. 

When we went back upstairs, the sun was starting to come up. We all packed up our gear, said our goodbyes, and we were homeward bound. We believe this bar contains many souls of people who were brought to the morgue when they died. We believe the negative entity is one of those spirits who is just unhappy being dead and enjoys messing with the living. He does not do much in groups, but he appears when people are alone and more vulnerable. We think he gets annoyed with the nightlife and influences arguments in the living.

We want to thank Hollyrocks for this incredible opportunity to not only be able to dive into Rapid’s history, but for the one-of-a-kind overnight experience we had. We would love to continue this investigation at the other morgue in the near future, but until then, you know where the OG spirits are. 

Thanks for reading!

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Who is Two Halves and Nicole?

Two Halves and Nicole is a midwestern paranormal group who uses history to validate the paranormal on their investigations.

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