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Boy Scout Lane Investigation

This blog post was written by Whitney Dankemeyer, one half of Two Halves of a Soul.

Since the 1950s, legend says Boy Scout Lane is a haunted isolated road in Stevens Point, WI. It is said a bus driver, scoutmaster, and his troops disappeared in these woods while on a camping trip, never to be seen or heard from again.

There have been many variations of this story told around town indicating it was the scoutmaster or bus driver behind the disappearances. It is also rumored there was a forest fire or bus accident that led to the death of these troops. Some even say they’ve heard of two troop members escaping the fate of the others, only to get lost and die of starvation in the woods later on. So many stories being told with no articles or documented proof any of these events ever occurred.

The hauntings of the location are said to be of phantom lights, that of which people believe to be the bus driver coming down the road. The headlights appear out of nowhere and are said to vanish before your eyes. It is rumored to also see one of the lanterns the boys carried, and a handful of others say they will leave handprints on the windows of your car. You may even hear them hiking nearby in the woods if you’re lucky.

I wasn’t necessarily on board with the rumored activity being boy scouts. In fact, it was in my research when I found that the road was named Boy Scout Lane because Boy Scouts of America intended to build a camp on that road. It never happened, but the road always kept the name. Since then, houses have even been built on this road. I believed whatever was going to occur was something residual from what happened on the land before. Either or, there was only one way to find out.

This investigation, Swan and I were joined by friends Alyssa Schmidt and her boyfriend Calvyn. Calvyn had been to this location before, so we thought it would be beneficial to have someone here with experience considering we were going out in the middle of nowhere late at night. When we arrived the night of September 10, 2022, none of us in the car had an eerie feeling, so we proceeded down Boy Scout Lane to see what else we could find.

We turned around at the end of the dead end road and parked in the middle of it on the way back. There we had the Ovilus on, only really saying “Come” when it wanted us to inch the vehicle forward a little further. Not getting much from the Ovilus, we decided to do the Estes Method in the car. When we got there, it was already raining, so we were limited to what we could do outside. That and the fact that we were in between houses and didn’t want to have the cops called on us for trespassing.

During the Estes Method Session, Swan mentioned hearing a car horn and hearing someone say “They’re gone.” Further into communicating, we kept getting the vibe that someone was dominating another. There was a person who was trying to speak, but would never finish their thoughts or sentences. At one point, the person said “He’s” and in my head I thought “Responsible.” Shortly after that, Swan said “Yeah,” almost if the thought I just had was being confirmed. Again, the Ovilus said “He,” but for a minute we couldn’t get anything else besides that.

Further into the session, we got a voice coming through that Swan said sounded male. He kept telling us to leave and to do it now, even coming through at the end saying, “Please.” This was followed by a woman screaming. If he was so dominating and persistent to get us to leave, why was he being kind about it? And why was there a woman screaming?

To be respectful and not cross any boundaries, we agreed to end the session and leave. Though feeling as if we were leaving with unanswered questions, we couldn’t get the other person to share their story, and the man that was communicating wouldn’t stop telling us to go away. We did everything we could for one night. But we did have our theories.

In conclusion, we don’t believe there are any boy scouts or a scoutmaster present. We think that was just a made up story after the lane was named Boy Scout Lane for the camp they wanted to build.

Now what about the headlights and fingerprints on the cars?

While it was raining and we can’t really speak for the handprints getting left on the windows of peoples’ vehicles, we do have a theory on the phantom lights. When tragic events happen, they leave an imprint of energy. This can lead to residual hauntings, where the event reoccurs on a loop at the same time the event happened. We think that a potential car accident occurred with a man and woman where the man was responsible for going off the road. This would explain why the car is seen coming towards you and then vanishes in thin air. Because the man is responsible for the accident, we think he prevents the woman from telling her story because he doesn’t want to be viewed as the bad guy. This would explain why he was kind but also so persistent to get us to leave. If we want to prove this to be true, however, we would need further investigating to be done and go into research about what was there prior to Boy Scout Lane. If we do a part two to this investigation, you will be the first to know.

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Who is Two Halves and Nicole?

Two Halves and Nicole is a midwestern paranormal group who uses history to validate the paranormal on their investigations.

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